Inspired by SMA Dailey’s goal to use the nostalgia of the Pinks and Greens to reconnect today’s Soldier with the history of the Army, Army Times conducted a survey in October of last year polling readers’ opinions about the Pinks and Greens. Responses were overwhelmingly positive, with more than 70 percent of the Soldiers surveyed supporting the return of the historic uniform.
Based on this and similar findings, the Army is led to believe the re-emergence of the uniforms will serve to strengthen Soldier pride and help bolster recruiting.
“[World War II] was a point in history where Soldiers were highly respected, and there was a sense of nationalism in the country,” SMA Dailey recently said. “[Today,] we are in another time in history where there is this great nationalism throughout our country and this great respect for our Soldiers. We want to show off our great Soldiers, and we think the Pinks and Greens uniform is the right uniform to do that.”
Engaging and promoting pride in our Soldiers is only one reason the Army is considering the return of the Pinks and Greens. They would also fulfill a more practical function – one that Soldiers have been in need of for quite some time.
“The Chief [of Staff] and I agree that we need a service uniform – something a Soldier can wear day-to-day when they are not wearing the battle dress uniform, and feel and look like professional Soldiers,” SMA Dailey said.
If reinstated, a modernized yet historically accurate version of the uniform would serve as everyday business attire for Soldiers of all ranks. The current blues would then cease to be used as an Army Service Uniform altogether. However, the dress blue uniform would continue to be used for formal, black-tie occasions. The new uniform would feature higher quality fabrics and be tailored to fit each Soldier. Manufacturing would incorporate an environmentally friendly textile production process that would be used for the first time in the United States.