
Female Friendly

New Soldier Protection System Features Advances Tailored for Female Soldiers

Optimizing Soldier protection serves to improve the lethality and mobility of our Soldiers. When individual Soldiers experience improvements, the entire force benefits and...

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An All-Natural Defense

Equally important to the completion of U.S. military missions as all-terrain vehicles, advanced weaponry and cutting-edge communication systems, renewable energy has been identified by the Department of Defense (DoD) as a vital resource in securing...

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Give Up No Ground

PVT Henry Johnson was the first American war hero of the war to end all wars, but his fight did not end in the trenches.

According to the Department of Veterans Affairs, over...

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The Big Dog is Back

Tennessee Army National Guard Represents America’s Resolve to Ensure Eastern Europe’s Security

Tennessee Adjutant General MG Terry Haston was stationed near the Berlin Wall in 1989, when the wall came tumbling down. He...

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The Hughie Terminal

Paying Tribute to a Fallen Oklahoma Guard Soldier

After a dedication ceremony in the summer of 2018, a New Kabul Compound (NKC) terminal donned a new name. The Hughie Terminal honors the life...

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Policing in Pisa

Montana MP Unit Trains with U.S. Army Garrison Italy

More than 40 Soldiers from Montana’s 143rd Military Police (MP) Detachment had a unique annual training (AT) experience last August when they traveled to...

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Wisconsin Black Hawk Crew Rescues Stranded Kayakers

A Wisconsin Army National Guard UH-60 Black Hawk helicopter crew rescued two men stranded in the Eldorado Marsh along the Fond du Lac River last Sept. 9 after the men became disoriented on a kayak...

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Utah Guard’s 85th CST Plays Role in Ricin Case

In support of an investigation conducted last fall by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the U.S. Postal Service, the Utah National Guard’s 85th Weapons of Mass Destruction-Civil Support Team (CST) facilitated the surveillance...

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Texas Counterdrug Soldier to Lead Panhandle Civil Operations

SPC Samuel Villa-Smith looked out over Lake Meredith – near the town of Fritch, about 35 miles north of Amarillo in the Texas Panhandle – with a pensive gaze. He clutched the only photo he...

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28th ECAB, First Responders Train for Aviation Disasters

Soldiers with the Pennsylvania Army National Guard’s 28th Expeditionary Combat Aviation Brigade (ECAB) joined civilian first responders from Dauphin and Schuylkill counties for a helicopter familiarization and emergency response drill this past summer.


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