
Cyber Games

About 50 military personnel found themselves on a mission in cyberspace this past summer when competing in the 2017 Cyber X-Games.

The Cyber X-Games is an annual event where Guard members participate in...

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Teammates in the Guard – Competitors in the Sky

It’s common for Guard soldiers to start in one unit and stay there for most of their career. This uniqueness brings a plethora of opportunities for connections to be made on the civilian side. Need...

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Hitting the Mark with Georgia’s Marksmanship Program

Targeted at developing and challenging Soldiers, Georgia’s marksmanship program is hitting the mark when it comes to continuing the spirit of excellence within the Army National Guard.

The Georgia Marksmanship Program offers Soldiers...

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Sleep Apnea – Affecting Your Readiness from Night to Day

There is nothing quite like waking up after a good night of sleep. Sleep is vital to our bodies. A lack of sleep can affect mood, health and performance. Therefore, when a disorder that causes...

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Power Down Before Hitting the Rack

Checking email or flipping channels instead of sleeping? Playing video games or browsing social media in bed? Sleeping with your smartphone under your pillow?

The National Sleep Foundation reports 90 percent of adults...

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Blended Retirement System Beginning Soon

Your retirement benefits may be changing.

Starting January 1, 2018, the Blended Retirement System (BRS) will begin. This new military retirement system blends your traditional legacy retirement pension with a Thrift Savings Plan...

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Michigan Guard Soldier Receives Prestigious Award

Michigan National Guard By SPC Savannah Lang,

From being one of the first three women in the state of Michigan to complete the Soldier of the Year competition in its entirety, to running...

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South Carolina Guard Soldier Broadens Her Horizons

South Carolina National Guard By NaSwana Moon,

SPC Kimberly Hurtado is a South Carolina Army National Guard Soldier with the 1223rd Engineer Company, 122nd Engineer Battalion located in Columbia, S.C. She currently serves...

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Iowa and Kosovo Soldiers Train Side by Side

Iowa National Guard By SSG Mike Kelly,

Building on six years of partnership, Soldiers and Airmen of the Iowa National Guard, together with members of the Medical Company (Medcoy) of the Kosovo Security...

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National Guard Engineers Train Half a World Away

Georgia National Guard By CPT William Carraway,

Less than one year ago, Georgia Army National Guard Soldiers of the 810th Engineer Company (Sapper) based in Swainsboro, Ga., were conducting debris clearance operations in...

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