Texas and Chile Celebrate 10 Years of Partnership

Adjutant General of Texas MG Tracy Norris shakes hands with a Chilean military official at the Texas State Capitol in Austin, Texas, April 12, 2019, during a celebration of the ongoing State partnership between Chile and Texas. Texas National Guard photo by Brandon Jones

It is a well-known fact the National Guard’s core mission includes fighting America’s wars and securing the homeland, but perhaps a lesser known mission is that of building enduring partnerships. 

This past April, members of the Texas National Guard and Chilean Armed Forces converged in Austin, Texas, to discuss and celebrate their partnership that started one decade ago. As part of the Annual State Partnership Program (SPP) Planning Meeting, the parties met to discuss, plan and establish agreed-upon activities, in both countries, for the year ahead. The events, held throughout the year, focus on disaster/emergency response; aviation operations, maintenance and safety; military medical and engineer activities; as well as leadership, staff, officer and noncommissioned officer development. 

“Both our State and their nation have significant responsibilities with regards to disaster response and experience is often one of the best teachers, so what better way to support one another than helping to share and improve upon best practices,” said MAJ Mark White, State Partnership Program Director, Texas Military Department. “An experience our Soldiers and Airmen value, a great secondary benefit to SPP is the exchanging of our cultures and what makes Chile and Texas special places, respectively. We create lifelong friendships through every event together.”

In addition to planning events for fiscal year 2020, this trip included multiple activities commemorating the 10th anniversary of the partnership. On April 12, the Chilean delegation was presented with a proclamation from the Deputy Secretary of State of Texas Jose A. Esparza, recognizing and honoring the important partnership between the Texas National Guard and the Republic of Chile. This same group was further honored on the House floor of the Texas Capitol prior to signing the formal agreement on the Capitol steps. 

“Today’s events, in which representatives from Texas and Chile were standing side-by-side, exemplify the solidarity of our commitment to the program and one another,” said MAJ White. “In 2020, we will jointly execute over 40 SPP events in both of our countries as we start our second decade of partnership, which strives to be the model for SPP in SOUTHCOM [Southern Command].”

In a Strategic Studies Quarterly article published in 2018, Chief of the National Guard Bureau Gen Joeph L. Lengyel stated SPP is future-focused and adaptive to geopolitical changes. Gen Lengyel says the National Guard Bureau (NGB) has seen the program grow, from assisting nations in developing more modern and professional militaries functioning under civilian control, to partnerships that look to deepen interoperability with complementary capabilities and forces.

“Beyond the military benefits, we have witnessed the fruits of these relationships as they help the United States maintain and grow its alliances across the globe through enduring and personal relationships,” said Gen Lengyel. “What began as a program of 10 partnerships in Eastern Europe has spread across five continents and currently encompasses approximately one-third of the nations in the world.”

As part of the program and in addition to Chile, the Texas and Nebraska National Guards share a partnership with the Czech Republic. In 2018, the Czech Armed Forces and its State partners commemorated the 25th anniversary of the union. Under the NGB’s SPP, 76 partnerships are currently in place that support 83 nations around the globe.

BY Brandon Jones, Texas National Guard 

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